Post Admission Checklist for Thoracic Surgery
Post Admission Checklist for Thoracic Surgery
Routine tests
These tests are routine investigations. They are NOT the whole plan! (see below)
U&E - must include K+ and Mg++
Liver profile
Coagulation screen
Not all patients will need all the following investigations. Some will already have been done. In that case the results and films will need to be obtained.
Treat the main condition
Surgery planned (which list?).
It might sound obvious but, on a surgical ward, surgery is the main feature of the plan. Writing down the planned surgery will focus your mind on what investigations need to be requested and what orders are to be written.
Trauma patients
Pain relief
Secretion management
Chest drains
Palliative patients
What procedure?
What support services?
What discharge arrangements?
What resuscitation?
Surgical/Anaesthetic requirements
Theatre List
Is the patient booked for theatre? If not, why not?
Stop Aspirin
Stop Plavix (if coronary stents present check with cardiology)
Change Warfarin to Heparin if it cannot be stopped
Hold oral medication for surgical patients, write up IM/IV alternatives.
IV fluids
•All patients to fast from 12 midnight before anaesthetic.
•For patient whose oral intake has been poor and for those on the afternoon lists IV fluids should be erected.
Treat co-morbidity
CKMB/troponin if indicated
Cultures e.g. sputum
Continue cardiac medications (do NOT stop B Blockers)
•Put first on list
•Inform anaesthetist
•Consult metabolic registrar
•sliding scale Insulin,
•Dextrose IV if fasting
Predict and prepare for complications
Start Clexane (not for pleurectomy)
TED stockings and SCD compression device will be provided by the nursing staff
Sputum retention/pulmonary
Change bronchodilators to nebulised preparations
Start all smokers and others at risk of respiratory complications on nebulised bronchodilators
Extra physio/rehab if necessary
Are preop antibiotics needed for chest infection?
Correct K+ and Mg++
May need B blockers etc.
Specific to the working diagnoses
Cancer patients
Histology/Cytology – usually we will not be operating if there is no confirmation of diagnosis. Has it been obtained elsewhere: do we need to obtain tissue? e.g.sputum cytology, FNA bronchial washings
MacMillan/Palliative care consult
CT scan
Ultrasound abdo
PET scan
pH study
Barium swallow
If dysphagia - change to clear liquid diet
Complete dysphagia – nil by mouth, IV fluids, ?TPN
CT scan
PET scan
CPEST (cardiopulmonary exercise stress test)
Ventilation perfusion lung scan
Other Investigations suggested by differential diagnoses
Discharge planning
Discharge planning should start when the patient is admitted (if not already started at pre-assessment clinic!)
Who is at home?
Will extra home services be needed?
Will they need convalescent care?
Will patient be transferred back to peripheral hospital?