A series of videos showing one man’s way of performing selected Thoracic Surgical operations. Trainees and colleagues may find them interesting ... even useful!

  1. Posterior muscle sparing thoracotomy - thoracotomy through the auscultatory triangle without incision of major chest wall muscles.

  2. Intercostal nerve protection - a technique for avoiding pressure on the intercostal nerve, with the aim of reducing long-term intercostal neuralgia, but with benefits for early postoperative pain.

  3. Pectus repair - modified Ravitch procedure without the need for a metal bar. Cheaper and less painful than the Nuss procedure with no complications from the bar and better results.

  4. VATS lobectomy - one approach to minimal access, anatomical, dissected lobectomy.

  5. VATS pleurectomy

  6. VATS assisted oesophagectomy (Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy)

  7. VATS wedge resection

  8. Sympathectomy

  9. Laparoscopic repair of Morgagni hernia

  10. Systematic mediastinal lymph node dissection (Low resolution version also available)

  11. Laparoscopic Morgagni hernia repair


Thoracic Surgical Videos